How To Change Your Name In League Of Legends?

Wondering how to change your name in league of legends? Your first stop is the official forums. This is the safest place to ask any question you have in the game since it is moderated and any one can post questions and answers in here. The forum is actually very important because it gives you quick access to information. In fact, I'd even recommend you using the forums when playing the game instead of going directly to Zynga's website.

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how to change your name in league of legends


On the forums, you'll find tons of information and resources that will answer any question you might have about how to change your name in LoL. There are threads about transferring summoner names, transfer points, and many other aspects of the game. There's even a section where people discuss the hottest summoner names in the market today! It's an awesome place to look for information but be careful - you might create the wrong impression if you read too much or ask too many questions.


It's best to stick to forums related to League of Legends instead of posting your question in the general forums. The general forums aren't as well-moderated and can't provide you with answers as quick as a forum devoted to League of Legends. However, you can find quick answers to your questions there. If you still can't find the answer to your question, then you can create a new thread asking for an answer. Be sure to use your main or gamer name when posting and add /u/ in front of your username.

How to Change Your Name in League of Legends?


Another great way to quickly find out how to change your name in LoL is by checking out the official Rift forums. The official Rift forums are actually incredibly helpful for finding out anything you want to know about Rift. You will probably see some discussion on the question "how to change my account name" or "Riot Support username." The helpful members in these forums will be able to help you out with that. Don't worry, they won't give you the usual "you suck" or "get out now" message you'll find in forums - they will be more supportive and even give you pointers on how to do things in a better way.


There are two ways to get an in-game account username that reflects your summoner name change. The first way is to use your real name. That's obviously the option if you're concerned about your summoner name being misused. The downside is that this has the disadvantage of giving your account a bad, distinctive smell. This won't matter if you only plan on playing a few matches because it's not likely you'll spend much time in a low level solo queue anyway. If you're serious about making a bold change, though, it's probably the best choice for you.


The second option for how to change your name in League of Legends is to use your chosen player's name as your new summoner names. Unfortunately, this process can be a bit more involved than using your real name, but many people who have tried it feel that it's well worth the extra hassle. This is especially true if you're using a non-English language server. Most English-speaking servers have the option to use your chosen non-English character in your summoner names, so you can easily switch from English to whatever you prefer.


How to change your name in League of Legends is really just a matter of using your favorite real-world summoner name, changing it to a special character, then hitting "changes welcome". You'll be prompted to input your desired new summoner name before you can proceed. After the short process, you will be given access to your account right away. If you don't want to have to re-enter the summoner selection screen after changing your account button, you can always close the dialog by pressing the "ause" key on your keyboard.


Changing your account name is relatively easy to do in League of Legends. There are several different ways of going about it, and none of them require the use of any special software. Changing your summoner name is actually just like changing your real first and last name - it's just a matter of typing it in the chat box, following some simple instructions, and hitting "itches" when you're done to confirm that everything was saved correctly. When you change your account name in League of Legends, it won't take long before you receive your new password and see your new IP address!

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